lundi 29 septembre 2014

Why does my cat scratch the wallpaper?

Why does my cat scratch the wallpaper?

A cats scratch walls and furniture for a number of reasons, including to stretch their back muscles after a nap, sharpen claws, leave a back muscles after a nap, sharpen claws, leave a scent/visual mark, and to get a reaction from their owners!
Many cats will have a stretch and a scratch after a nap. They will use the nicest thing to scratch that is close by to where they were resting. The best solution is to provide a scratch post near to each place where the cat rests and scratches.
The surface of the post is important, as it must be something the cat fi nds attractive. Some are perfectly happy with the kind of sisal cord used on many scratch posts, but some prefer carpet, others prefer upholstered fabric, and some really love the posts made from corrugated cardboard.

Claw sharpening is a similar problem. Like stretching after a nap, most cats will need to sharpen their claws regularly. The only way to stop them from damaging our property is to provide a suitable post close to where they currently scratch.
Claw marking to leave a scent mark is more likely in multi-cat households or where non-resident cats are intruding or harassing the resident felines. In these cases, the cat will claw in a number of places that are close to where other cats come and go (for example, close to
entry/exit points). The aim is to leave a message to encourage other cats to stay away. In these cases the social problem must be resolved, either between the resident cats, or by keeping intruding cats out of the house.
Did you know? Scratching leaves a marker to communicate with other cats.
 The last cause is attention seeking. If your cat often digs his claws into the wallpaper while looking at you, and then seems quite frisky and excited when you chase him away, then it is likely that he is scratching to get a reaction from you.
In these cases, put a scratch post near to where your cat is scratching, and only give him attention when he scratches the post.
Ignore him completely when he tries to scratch the wallpaper.

In all cases, once you have provided a suitable scratching place you should protect the wallpaper temporarily using heavy polythene sheet taped over the top. This will help your cat make the switch to scratching the posts you have put in place. A feline pheromone diffuser will help reduce clawing when it is stress related or scent marking, but the problem will come back unless the underlying cause has been resolved and the cat has some alternative places to scratch.
 If cats don’t have suitable scratching facilities, they’ll turn elsewhere.

samedi 13 septembre 2014

How to Train Cats to Scratch Only Where They Should

This infographic helps you guide cats away from scratching furniture and to objects made for them.

People who are into “bucket lists” usually do not include scratched sofas, carpets, and chairs as must-haves on them.

Unfortunately, some folks respond to furniture scratching by having their cats declawed or surrendering the cats to shelters. This is unnecessary and tragic. Although cats instinctually scratch, they can be trained to bypass the household furniture and focus on objects designed specifically for them.

I created an infographic that is all about scratching behaviors. It also includes steps on how to train cats to scratch the appropriate objects instead of their people’s furniture.
Infographic by Marilyn Krieger, CCBC

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How to Train Cats to Scratch Only Where They Should

This infographic helps you guide cats away from scratching furniture and to objects made for them.

Marilyn Krieger  |  Sep 12th 2014  |   7 Contributions

People who are into “bucket lists” usually do not include scratched sofas, carpets, and chairs as must-haves on them.

Unfortunately, some folks respond to furniture scratching by having their cats declawed or surrendering the cats to shelters. This is unnecessary and tragic. Although cats instinctually scratch, they can be trained to bypass the household furniture and focus on objects designed specifically for them.

I created an infographic that is all about scratching behaviors. It also includes steps on how to train cats to scratch the appropriate objects instead of their people’s furniture.

Infographic by Marilyn Krieger, CCBC

Although the infographic illustrates the basics, reward-based training systems, such as clicker training, in conjunction with the suggestions in the illustration will help save your sofas and carpets -- without punishing, yelling at, or declawing cats.
Scratching is a natural behavior

Scratching is a universal behavior that all cats naturally do. Even declawed cats have to scratch surfaces. In addition to giving themselves perfect manicures, cats have other reasons for the behavior.

Here are four other reasons cats scratch:

    Cats mark and define their territories when they scratch. The bottoms of their paws have scent glands, so every time they scratch, a little bit of information is stamped on the surface they are targeting. In addition to the pheromones, or scent that is deposited, scratching leaves visual sign posts.
    Scratching is also a stress reliever -- when cats feel anxious, they will often scratch. They will also scratch when faced with choosing between doing two conflicting behaviors. A bonus is that they are marking their territory at the same time.
    Cats will often scratch when they are playing and have sudden bursts of energy. Scratching in the middle of a boisterous play session disperses excess energy and gives the cat a moment to pause while she figures out what her next move will be.
    After a refreshing nap, felines enjoy long, fulfilling stretches that are accompanied by scratching.

Cats have to scratch, but they don’t have to scratch your household furniture.
The right scratcher

Cats prefer tall, stationary scratching posts and horizontal scratchers made from material that they can sink their claws into without becoming entangled. Find posts that are tall enough that your kitties can reach up and stretch while scratching them. They also need to be stable so that they do not fall over when cats exuberantly use them. Pieces of plywood can be attached to the bases of wobbly scratching posts to ensure stability. The majority of kitties avoid scratchers that hang from doors -- they move too much while being scratched. In addition to tall posts, most cats enjoy exercising their claws on horizontal sisal and corrugated cardboard scratchers as well as creative shapes fashioned out of corrugated cardboard.
The right texture

Most kitties love scratching nubby, coarse surfaces such as sisal and corrugated cardboard, while others enjoy carpet. Carpet isn’t ideal because claws can become entangled in the loops.  Also, carpeted posts need to be a completely different texture than the household rugs and carpets. It is hard to encourage cats to avoid scratching rugs that feel the same as the scratching posts.
The right locations

Because cats mark their territories when they scratch, place scratchers strategically in the areas where cats hang out and near their entrances. Felines prefer scratchers in every room they spend time in. Do not put them behind sofas, in closets, or other hidden areas. More kitties mean more scratchers. If you live with more than one cat, give them multiple scratchers.
Encourage scratching

Many cats naturally gravitate to scratching the approved objects -- others don’t. You can also jump start cats by playing with them around the scratchers with favorite toys or by scratching the posts with your fingernails.

The antique furniture and oriental rugs can become scratch-free without punishing or declawing cats. You can train felines to bypass the sofas in three steps: Make the furniture and rugs off limits, address the reasons for the scratching, and reinforce scratching the right objects. Clicker training is a very effective method for reinforcing and building good scratching habits.

Some cats quickly change their habits; others take a little longer to catch on. Regardless, the results are long term because cats prefer to scratch the objects they are reinforced and rewarded for scratching.

What does it mean when your cat licks you?

Dogs may lick our faces -- remember Lucy from "Peanuts" exclaiming, "Aaack, dog germs!" after a kiss from exuberant beagle Snoopy? -- but cats are more refined in their public displays of affection. When your cat licks you, usually after a mock-bite or firm grab with his paws, she's doing what her mother did during the early weeks of her life: providing a good cleaning that also speaks of caring and belonging. You've seen cats licking each other, helping in the grooming ritual, especially around the hard-to-reach ears and top of the head. But why is Kitty inspired to lick your arm or toes -- or even your hair? Here's what we've discovered.

Territorial Rights

Being licked is the first tactile experience your cat remembers -- that washcloth feeling of her mama cat's tongue thoroughly rubbing her coat, ears and every part of her little body. A mother cat initially washes her babies to remove the afterbirth fluids and to stimulate the kittens' breathing. She'll also clean them whenever they return to the nest, firmly re-establishing her scent on them. For cats both male and female, licking is a social exchange as well as a rite of cleanliness. Cats groom each other to remove debris and share scents, just as cats scratch in a favorite place where the scent glands of their paw pads will mark the territory as their own. When your cat licks you, she's cleaning you up and claiming you -- just as she would for a feline friend or litter mate.

What Licking Feels Like to a Cat

Some experts believe that orphaned kittens or those weaned too early from their mothers and litter mates develop oral behaviors such as suckling and licking, and exhibit these babyish habits into adulthood. But as with so much about cats, that's a generalization. The favorite hobby of Kelsey, a 6-year-old tabby who shares a household with her mother cat, is washing people -- and Kelsey's mother still scrubs her every day. Licking is a comforting, soothing sensation to cats, and feels like the gentle stroking of your hands petting them. If a cat licks you, she's returning that favor: She figures, who wouldn't enjoy being petted and assured of affection?

Excessive Licking

If an older cat who's never shown such affection suddenly begins licking you or suckling at your clothing, pay close attention to this change in behavior. Cats that start vigorously licking themselves may be seeking relief from a skin irritation, fleas, an insect bite or an infection. Help soothe Kitty by examining her skin and fur for problems, and ask your vet to recommend the right treatment.
If your cat's licking is not linked to illness and you simply cannot tolerate the ticklish feeling of her tongue, do not punish her for this normal behavior. Try gently discouraging your cat by moving away from her when she starts licking. Spritz your arms or hand with lemon juice, an immediate feline turn-off. Offer her a stuffed terrycloth toy to lavish her affection on instead, or just turn the tables and pet her lavishly, assuring her that you love her even if you don't like the licking.

 source : animal planet

dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Cats Who Suckle and Lick People

Some cats like to lick or suckle on people and clothes. They often purr and, at the same time, knead with their paws, as though they’re nursing. Some cats even drool profusely as you pet them. If your cat does any of these things, you may find yourself wondering if these peculiar behaviors are normal. Persistently trying to nurse on your neck or chin or repetitively licking your arms, face or other bare-skinned areas may seem especially strange. You’re not alone. Many cats develop these oral habits. They’re comforting and reassuring—somewhat like thumb sucking is to a child—so it may be hard to discourage your cat from engaging in them.

Why Does Your Cat Do That?

There are many reasons why cats suckle or lick people excessively. Some experts believe that cats who do these things may have been orphaned or weaned too early. Ideally, kittens should stay with their mother and littermates until they’re at least six weeks old. Some studies suggest that it’s even better if kittens stay until seven to twelve weeks of age. If they’re taken from their mother and litter too early, kittens may show infantile behaviors as adults. Both suckling and licking fall into this category. Suckling and licking can also occur in response to stress, anxiety, illness or just plain boredom. For some cats, these habits simply serve as comfort behaviors to enjoy during periods of relaxation.

In rare cases, regardless of the original reason why a cat started the behavior, suckling or licking can develop into a compulsive disorder. How do you know if your cat has become compulsive about licking or suckling? A behavior is typically considered compulsive if a cat has trouble stopping, even when you try to distract him with another activity. Please see our article on Compulsive Behavior in Cats for more information.

If you have an older cat who has recently started suckling or licking you, you should have him examined by a veterinarian. Hyperthyroidism occurs in up to 30% of cats over 10 years of age, and can cause a variety of behavioral changes.

Treatment Suggestions

    If your cat’s suckling or licking is not so intense or frequent that it bothers you, it’s fine to simply accept and enjoy your cat’s affectionate behavior during your quiet times together.
    One relatively benign type of punishment involves taking away what your cat wants the moment he starts to perform an undesired behavior. Simply get up and walk away each and every time he tries to lick or suckle on you. Don’t be so abrupt that you knock him to the floor or scare him. Just disengage from him, lift him off of your lap if necessary, and leave the room. You may need to keep this up for several weeks or months before you notice a reduction in the behavior. For this strategy to be effective, you’ll need to act quickly and consistently every time your cat tries to lick or suckle. You can’t allow him to do it at certain times but not others. Your inconsistent response will confuse him, and he won’t stop trying to engage in the comforting behavior.
    For maximum effectiveness, combine the method above with efforts to establish more acceptable interactions and fun with you. Depending on your cat’s personality, you might get a toy and play with him or distract him with tasty treats whenever he tries to suckle or lick you.
    Does your cat’s suckling or licking seem to increase whenever he hasn’t been getting enough attention or mental stimulation? Enriching your cat’s life with more activity and play can be quite effective in reducing the intensity and frequency of unwanted behaviors. It may even eliminate suckling or licking altogether. Five to 10 minutes of exercise once or twice a day can reduce anxiety and burn calories. Play games with your cat using a feather wand, a laser light or other objects that he can “hunt.” Cat videos, bird feeders outside a window, cat grass for chewing, vertical cat furniture “trees” or “condos” for climbing, and shelf perches on windows are just a few ways to keep your cat active and entertained. Please see our articles on Cat Toys and Enriching Your Cat’s Life for more playtime ideas.
    Another option is to provide your cat with an acceptable object to chew or suckle instead of you. Some cats enjoy chewing pieces of thin rawhide lightly coated with fish oil or cheese spread. Others prefer chewing on raw chicken wings. (Make sure they’re raw—cooked bones can splinter and choke or injure your cat.) Only give your cat rawhide or chicken wings when you’re able to supervise him. Once you discover what he really likes, keep a supply of it handy, and each time your cat tries to suckle or lick you, quickly redirect his attention to the chew or bone. Providing cat grass, lettuce or catnip to nibble on may also give your cat an acceptable outlet for his suckling or licking behavior.
    If you think your cat’s suckling or licking is related to stress or anxiety, try to identify what might be provoking it. Does suckling or licking happen more often after you have visitors over? What about when your other cat is nearby, when your dog gets loud and rambunctious or when family members argue? Other common situations that produce anxiety in cats include excessive confinement, the addition or loss of other family pets, social isolation or crowding (too many animals for the available space), unpredictable daily routines, punishment and social conflicts between family pets. Once you’ve identified some pattern or predictable triggers for your cat’s suckling or licking behavior, your goal is to either eliminate the stressor or help your cat find another way to cope. For example, if visitors make him nervous, give him a safe place to hide when strangers come to your home. If it’s another cat or a dog that upsets your cat, make sure he has objects to hide under or high places on which to perch when he wants to be left alone. Please see our articles on Fear of Visitors and Aggression Between Cats in Your Household for more information about these problems.
    Try making yourself or your clothing unappealing. Products that are formulated to keep cats from licking or chewing include Grannick’s Bitter Apple® and Veterinarian’s Best® Bitter Cherry Spray. Some cats dislike citrus smells, so lemon oil or a citrus-scented hand lotion may deter your cat from licking your skin. (If your cat isn’t deterred, be sure to wash the oil or lotion off so he doesn’t ingest it.) Please see our article on Using Taste Deterrents for more information.

What NOT to Do

Avoid swatting, pushing or yelling at your cat when he tries to suckle or lick you. Because this behavior may be caused by stress, punishment is neither the kindest nor the most effective way to respond. You’ll just add to your cat’s stress, make him afraid of you and possibly intensify the unwanted behavior.

When to Get Help

If your cat’s licking or suckling significantly interferes with his quality of life—or yours—consult a qualified expert, such as a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (CAAB or Associate CAAB) or a board-certified veterinary behaviorist (Dip ACVB). A behaviorist can help you determine what triggers your cat’s behavior and design a plan to resolve the problem. Please see our article on Finding Professional Help to locate a behaviorist in your area.